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Join over 1,000,000 monthly shoppers that have made the switch to support USA made products that you use each and every day.


Support USA Made Products That You Use Each And Every Day

Join over 1,000,000 monthly shoppers that have made the switch to support USA made products that you use each and every day.

You can vote with your dollars and purchase from a USA company that supports and promotes our freedom.

Connect with us and see how easy it is to shift your shopping on 100’s of consumer goods you use each day.


Patriot Shopping

Family-Owned Manufacturer | Comparable Prices | Non-Toxic Products | Supports American Jobs and Families | No Mainstream Advertising | Products Made in the USA | Over 35 years in business

We Will Contact You And Set Up A Time To Chat Shortly

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Did You Realize There Are Literally 2 Handfuls Of Companies...

Did you realize there are literally 2 handfuls of companies that REALLY own the majority of companies around the world?

Companies like Procter and Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, Kraft, General Mills, Kelloggs, Pepsico, Mars, Unilever basically own the majority of companies around the world. These mega-corporations are not going to have your best interest at heart when it comes to your health. They’ve already proven that with their toxic ingredients.

Even when you think you are buying healthier, non-toxic products, these companies have been reabsorbed into the mega-companies.

Consumer Goods

Every day we use toothpaste, laundry soap, dryer sheets, detergents, shampoos, conditioners, cleaning supplies, skincare, soaps, deodorant, protein shakes, and so much more. Why not buy a much healthier version? You may already do lots of online shopping. Shopping with us is SO easy!


My Money Goes Where?

Think about where your money goes when you shop with the mega-corporations. The majority of the price you pay in the store goes to advertising. Think of all the commercials you see on tv for everyday products! It cost millions of dollars to advertise in magazines and on tv.

As an American Patriot it’s time we take our country back and one very simple way to do that is control where we spend our hard-earned money! What are you willing to do to make this easy change? The great thing is you aren’t changing what you are doing, only where you are spending your dollars.

What’s better than getting higher quality products and spending less? You can test out the store and make sure it fits your current budget. That’s it!

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