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Wake Up Your Back Mobility Training

It's time to wake up your back with mobility training!

What is the difference between mobility training and flexibility training?

Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to lengthen.  Mobility is the ability of a joint to actively move through a specific range of motion.

We need 4 things in golf:

  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Mobility

Yoga is great for working on flexibility and balance.  Mobility training exercises are great for your joints so they can move more freely and they also help with balance.

Strength training with weights and bands improve your strength and depending on how you train, you will have better balance.

We are working on MOBILITY so our joints can move more freely.

Do You Say Any of These Things?

  1. Always trying to improve your score....
  2. Would love to hit the ball farther, even though we are getting older...   
  3. I need better balance....
  4. I'd love a better turn and to be able to move better...
  5. I'd like to reduce the injuries I get from golf...

This is where JT Fitness and Golf gives you a variety of online workouts so you won't get bored, you'll get the results you are looking for, you'll have accountability and still be able to workout on your own time, when it's convenient for you. 

Grab your mat and let's go!

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